As a group of independent non-profit associations founded in 1975, the GROUPE IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) provides educational solutions to the public with 5 different training options: core programs of study, continuing education, cooperative education, traineeships and professional integration.

The GROUPE IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS)

Groupe IGS

6 campuses

Paris, Lyon, Toulouse,
Dublin, Shanghai and Casablanca

Groupe IGS

More than 100 partner universities

in France
and abroad

Groupe IGS

More than 40 years

of academics


Groupe IGS

9 000

partner companies

Groupe IGS

5 educational options

core programs of study, cooperative education, traineeships, continuing education, professional integration and transition

Groupe IGS

8 skill-developing

and professional
expertise programs


Groupe IGS

67 000 alumni

including 18 000
in human resources


Our Values

As Humanists,
we believe in everyone’s ability to fulfill their professional and personal objectives. That is why we help every youth, adult, employee or executive convert challenges into success stories and get the best out of themselves and their education.

As Entrepreneurs,
our constant boldness helps us in order to undertake future projects and propose innovative and engaging training programs adapted to the 21st century. We would like to share this passion for entrepreneurship with our students and for each person to feel capable of improving their environment and the contemporary world in which we live.

As Professionals,
we are attentive to changes in the 8 industries in which we train numerous students and adapt our teaching methods in consequence. Academic and professional excellence is at the heart of our approach in order to ensure successful integration into the working world for all of the Group’s students.

Our Missions

Etudiants du Groupe IGS

Ensuring employability

The GROUPE IGENSIA Education’s (formerly Groupe IGS) vocation is to give all its students the keys to employability, which are the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the development of skills compatible with the current expectations of companies.


Opening up the mind to the world and its diversity

Through related activities, a humanities-based education, the possibility to study abroad and the organization of and participation in themed conferences, students from the GROUPE IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) are opened up to the world and its diversity. They become professionals and citizens of the world.

Alumni Groupe IGS

Mentoring towards success

The  GROUPE IGENSIA Education’s (formerly Groupe IGS) teaching methods are based on the mentoring of each of its students so that they can find professional and personal success. Revealing personalities and talents in order to train passionate professionals is our profession.

Ecole du Groupe IGS

Teaching invaluable skills

The teaching staffs, passionate about their professions, are at the heart of teaching invaluable skills, the basis for a flourishing professional and personal life. Therefore, we have set up innovative teaching methods that respond to the needs of the public with e-learning education, flipped classrooms, practical case studies and numerous medium-term projects.

Professional expertise programs

Ressources Humaines

HR Management and Development


Corporate Finance and Management

Commerce, marketing, développement, services

Business, Development, Marketing, Services

international management

International Management

Journalisme, communication, production

Journalism, communications, artistic and cultural production

Management des industries de la santé

Healthcare Industry Management


Information Technology


Real estate

International students

Every year, the GROUPE IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) and its schools receive plenty of international students coming from all around the world for a short or long period of time. They can study within one of our 3 campus in France in Paris, Lyon or Toulouse.

Groupe IGS, bienvenue dans le monde des possibles